Scrappy Valentine Hearts

Our little guy wanted to some crafting today but he wasn’t quite sure of what he wanted to make.  He was pretty sure he wanted to cut some paper though.  Using scissors and cutting stuff could easily be his favorite hobby right now.  So I figured we would build an easy project around that.  This project requires you to use any type of paper or string, really anything you can glue to another piece of paper.  It is pretty easy for any age group that can use a glue stick and it can be adapted to make any shape.  And it requires very few supplies to make it!  Lets get started.

What you will need: scissors, paper cutter (optional), glue stick, paper in various shades of the same color, white paper, string, magazine pages, tissue paper


First thing you will want to do is cut up your paper in to strips.  My guy wanted to help with this part but since he is two, cutting straight isn’t a thing yet.  Fortunately, he loves the paper cutter and it is safer for him to use anyway.  If you don’t have a paper cutter and you have little kids who love to help but aren’t the greatest with scissors I highly recommend trying a paper cutter.  He can practically use it by himself and he wont really risk getting cut by it.

You will have tons and tons of shredded paper.  If you  have a cat they will definitely help guard your shreds of paper.

All that is left is to glue your papers in random order all over the paper.  Kiddo naturally didn’t have a method to his gluing, at least not that I could tell.  For mine, I tried to use a “organized unorganized” method.  Basically, I placed the strips kind of random but sort of in a heart shape.  That way when I cut out the heart later I wouldn’t have wasted any strips of paper.

Finally, I simply cut out a heart shape!  I didn’t really use a template, I don’t have the patience for tracing things out so it looks a little crooked, but you get the idea.  If you wanted to find a heart template you could easily trace the shape on to the back and then cut it out.

Friday Finds : Wooden It Be Nice

I don’t know what it is, but I am having the hardest time getting our new house to look cozy and homey.  I am also notorious for overthinking and putting extra research time in to something before I make a purchase.  One thing I am hoping to add to are a few touches of wood into the decor.  For some reason, natural wood gets a bad reputation in decorating. Or at least it used to.  Now there are all kinds of chic ways to incorporate natural looking touches to your house, and not just by adding wooden furniture.  Now you can find wood mixed in with metal, plastic, and even other types of wood.  I thought this week I would round up some of my favorite items to add a touch of nature to your home.



  1. Wooden Watch : $22
  2. Twisted Vase : $88
  3. Cactus Journal : $29
  4. Cat Eye Sunglasses : $30
  5. Wooden Mug : $13
  6. Toy Camera : $9
  7. Wooden Table : $104
  8. Wire Basket : $19
  9. Tabletop Sandbox : $17
  10. Wooden Salt and Pepper Shakers : $30